You may want a freer schedule and break the chains of your job or your agenda full of clients. You may be overwhelmed by too many ideas and unsure where to start. You may feel disorganized and waste time on tasks that could be automated, delegated, or just deleted. You may also be unable to see the bigger picture for your business and need help with content strategy. You may not know how to sell your services and products and feel your potential isn’t fully explored.

You're not alone. I've been there.

I remember the frustration of having numerous ideas but not having a strategic plan to execute them. I wasted time on the wrong tasks, as I didn’t have a business growth mindset and operated without a long-term strategy. My journey in Digital Marketing was filled with trial and error, leading to exhaustion and burnout. I wrote more about it in this article and this other one. Through these struggles, I discovered effective strategies that transformed my way of doing business. Through my work, I’ve built the lifestyle I want.

Create a business that supports the lifestyle you want.

Where do you want your business and life to be in three, five, and ten years? My 1:1 mentoring service is designed to provide clarity, personalized guidance, and support, helping you create a sustainable business strategy and optimizing your content creation, products, and services.

Hi! I’m Tati, and here’s what I do:

Tati Ayurveda - Anna Berthier 014.jpg

Ways I can help you:

Freedom to work whenever, from wherever, and with whomever you want.

Who is it for?

<aside> 🗣️ Content creators looking to turn their passion into a sustainable business by monetizing their audiences.


<aside> 🗣️ Self-employed professionals (health professionals, therapists, coaches) who want to scale their online presence and business with digital products.


<aside> 🗣️ Professionals who want to start their online presence and monetize their expertise.
